October 8, 2024

CASANDRA'S CROSSING, the new musical alliance between guitar legend George Lynch and powerhouse singer Casandra Carson, has released its third single, "Closer To Heaven". The track is taken from CASANDRA'S CROSSING's debut album, "Garden Of Earthly Delights", which will arrive on October 25 via Frontiers Music Srl.

Casandra comments on "Closer To Heaven": "To me, 'Closer To Heaven' is a prayer. I likened my experience in the music industry to the story of 'Jack And The Beanstalk'. I put my faith in these magic beans (my songs),hoping they will grow to be fruitful and provide shelter and nourishment for me and my family. Of course, that comes with people thinking you're crazy, too! Ultimately, I feel that I'm on the right path, so this song was like a cry out to God for some kind of miracle to happen in my career to take me to the next level."

The musical chemistry between these two talented artists has created a magnificent modern hard rock album that showcases Lynch's trademark riffage driven by the outstanding voice of Casandra Carson, who is set to be the next rock singing sensation.

About "Garden Of Earthly Delights", Casandra adds: "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever meet, let alone collaborate with such a legend as George Lynch! It was an absolute honor and pleasure to work with him on this record. George's tracks were so cool and inspiring, it was probably some of the most fun I've ever had writing lyrics and melodies. I truly couldn't be more proud of this album, and I'm so excited to finally share it with the rest of the world."

Lynch emerged from the 1980s hard rock scene with the Los Angeles-based group DOKKEN and went on to become a world-renowned guitarist. Aside from DOKKEN, he has also enjoyed great success with LYNCH MOB, the group he founded after leaving DOKKEN.

Lynch has gone on to become a prolific music creator, continuing with LYNCH MOB, releasing solo albums, and a wealth of collaborative efforts over the decades. Those include but are not limited to, KXM with Doug Pinnick (KING'S X) and Ray Luzier (KORN),THE END MACHINE with Jeff Pilson (FOREIGNER, ex-DOKKEN),Mick Brown (ex-DOKKEN) and Girish Pradhan (GIRISH & THE CHRONICLES),SWEET & LYNCH with Michael Sweet (STRYPER),ULTRAPHONIX with Corey Glover (LIVING COLOUR),and THE BANISHMENT with Joe Haze.

Carson is best known for her work fronting the Midwestern hard rock band PARALANDRA. Founded in 2013 with a strong DIY ethic, PARALANDRA found themselves on radio charts and festival stages in no time and by 2018 had a record deal, national tours supporting the likes of SALIVA, TANTRIC and DOKKEN, and even found themselves performing aboard the Kiss Kruise. The band remains active and their most recent studio album, produced by the legendary Michael "Elvis" Beskette, came out in April of this year.

"Garden Of Earthly Delights" track listing:

01. Stranger
02. Impatient
03. Closer To Heaven
04. Ring Me Around
05. Devastatiing Times
06. Waltzing Nites
07. Just Business
08. Mind Eraser
09. Run For Your Life
10. Wicked Woman
11. Kneel Before You

When the song "Stranger" was first released in August, Carson said: "'Stranger' was a really fun one to write to. I always wanted the lyrics to match the vibe of the music, and every time I listened to George's demo, I got 'War Of The Worlds' / alien-invasion vibes. I was second-guessing myself and thought it might be kind of dumb to write a song about that, so I asked my boyfriend his opinion, and he simply said, 'Why not? Show me your ideas so far.' He actually liked what little I had, and proceeded to help me write the rest of the song that night! Little did we know, it would end up being the first single. So thank you, Jaron Gulino!"

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